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What's it All About Anyway?

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

I mean really, what is it all about? This traveling stuff. What drives us to step out from the comfort of our own home, leave behind that cozy fireplace, that recliner chair and fridge full of leftovers to go on some sort of modern day walk about. It's many things I suppose and different for each of us, the reason may even change over time as it often does in my case. I found myself reflecting on this heavy topic today while jamming blury eyed down the Interstate for nearly 400 miles, an uncharacteristic departure from my typical two lane sauntering but my tactic deployed to avoid snow covered roads and winter weather. What struck me was the number of people I have seen and met along the 9800 miles of road I have traveled in the last 8 weeks. Many of the faces I knew from past trips, some were old friends, some family and even some who were complete strangers other then online interactions. This is just the list of people who were gracious enough to open there homes to me so that I had a comfortable place to lay my head at night. This list doesn't even begin to include the countless number of people I have met on the side of the road, at gas stations, restaurants and hotels. The people who have reached out over social media, literally from all over the world, offering me a place to crash, a warm meal, hot shower or a shop to work in. Many of you I have yet to meet but I look forward to the day we shake hands for the first time.

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Apr 29, 2022

I love sharing the roads with friends but also love riding solo to truly get that feeling of escaping. Parking the phone in the saddlebag (unless I need it for navigation) and heading off with a rough destination, meeting different people from all walks of life has been cornerstone to some of the best times I’ve had! Love your content


Feb 15, 2022

Good afternoon Sir,

Most of all Safe travels and thank you for inspiring me even more to get out and travel on my motorcycle

I herd of and or started following you once you visited Adam Sandoval at

K River campground

I rode up to his place for Thanksgiving dinner from New Orleans they were quite friendly there and I met a few more Veterans like myself

What's it all about anyway 🤔

For me the past two years its been where I find myself to be truly happy

And from there its many other lil things like keeping my dads memories alive as he was a rider his whole life

And the sense of adventure.....

I could go on…

Charlie Weisel
Charlie Weisel
Feb 15, 2022
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Thank you for sharing. Riding to keep your dads memory alive is a great reason to get out and see the world, it's a nice way to share what you are doing with him. Obviously I didn't know your father but I'm sure he would be proud to see you out adventuring and living your life. Thanks again for reading and sharing your thoughts!


Feb 06, 2022

I've only made 1 long trip and that was to ride from my home in SC to the Sturgis Rally in 2015 after I retired. Until then my longest trip was from SC to southwest Virginia (my birthplace) and several trips from home to Rolling Thunder in DC. Other than riding to reach my destination I would say my main reason was because I wanted to see things in person that I had only seen in print or on social media. I didn't have an itinerary so I was free to stop when I wanted. Many times I would meet a total stranger at a gas stop and the next thing you know an hour had passed. I learned a…

Charlie Weisel
Charlie Weisel
Feb 08, 2022
Replying to

Traveling to see things you've only before seen in print or on the internet is a great reason to get out and explore, and a reason why I think many do as well. Sounds like you've had a couple of good trips and hopefully there are many more in your future!

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